This Privacy Policy describes the ways in which your personal data is collected and used by Freehold Managers PLC (“we”, “us”, “our”).

Please review and understand this Privacy Policy before you provide any further personal data to us.  You should also review our Terms and Conditions.  If you do not accept and agree to the Privacy Policy and/or Terms and Conditions, please refrain from providing your personal data to us through our website or Tenant Portal.

About Us

Freehold Managers is a leading property management company, specialising in the collection of Ground Rent.  We act on behalf of freehold, head leasehold or rent charge owning companies and undertake all administrative functions on their behalf, as required by each property lease or conveyance.

Data controller

For the purposes of Data Protection regulation, Freehold Managers PLC is a data controller for all Tenant data.  This means that we determine how your data will be processed to comply with any lease or statutory requirements.

Contact details

Our contact details can be found here and our Privacy Team can be contacted by e-mail here.

We will only collect personal information about you to enable us to provide services in accordance with the property lease or conveyance.  This typically includes names, contact details and e-mail addresses.

We retain scanned copies of all cheque payments for a period of six months.  Further anonymised information is collected through our website, using cookies.  We do not store any payment card details whatsoever.

We may retain a simple record of any contact you might make with us either by telephone, letter or e-mail.  Telephone calls may be recorded for training and quality control purposes only.

Your personal information is obtained from a range of sources including; conveyancing solicitors, our website and Tenant Portal, property developers and their agent or solicitor, Her Majesty’s Land Registry and property leases.

Your property lease or conveyance may contain a contractual obligation to provide your details to us.  Your conveyancing solicitor should comply with this requirement when you purchase a property, and you should ensure this is kept accurate and up to date.

Your personal information will only be used as required by our Legitimate Interest as property agent, fulfilling our client’s legal and contractual obligations in accordance with the property lease or conveyance.

Processing activities we undertake include issuing demands and reminders for Ground Rent and other sums due under the lease, contacting you in relation to other lease administration matters such as Subletting, Consent or Lease Assignment requirements, and contacting you in relation to options to buy, extend or redeem our client’s interest.  Contact will be made either by post or e-mail.

We implement a range of measures to protect the data that we hold.  These include both technical and non-technical systems including but not limited to;

  • Firewall, anti-virus and anti-malware software
  • Password protection and encryption
  • Regular back-ups
  • Staff training
  • User access controls
  • Secure shredding facility

Our website and Tenant Portal are secure systems and all security measures we have in place are reviewed by suitably qualified professionals on a regular basis.

Your information will be held securely, backed up regularly and retained for as long as you remain a Tenant customer and in accordance with all legal and regulatory requirements or guidelines.

Once we have received formal notification that you are no longer a Tenant customer, we will take all reasonable steps to anonymise and securely archive your information.  Archived information will be permanently destroyed after 6 years.

Where we utilise cloud-based systems and technologies, personal data will not ordinarily be transferred or stored in a Data Centre located outside of the UK.  Should this change, we implement additional safeguards to ensure that your personal data remains subject to the same stringent regulations which apply to us.

Who will this information be shared with?

We will not share your information with any third party unless we have a legal and legitimate reason to do so. This will only ever be in connection with our role as property agent.

Where your data is shared, we will only provide minimal, essential and relevant information.

Some of the parties with whom we may share your details include:

  • Conveyancing & debt recovery solicitors
  • Professional Accountants / Auditors / Tracing Agents
  • Professional Block Managers / Surveyors
  • Other parties to your lease
  • Software service providers
  • Professional Insurance Brokers / Insurance Companies
  • Associated group or client companies
  • Government and Regulatory Bodies

We work only with suitably accredited and professional firms, with whom we have written contracts in place to ensure your data is:

  • processed only under our specific instruction
  • held securely
  • used only in accordance with our Legitimate Interest as property agent
  • retained only for as long as is necessary

Your right of access to this information

You have specific rights to seek confirmation that your data is being processed, and to request a copy of the personal data that we hold about you.  This can be provided free of charge.

For more information and to make a 'Subject Access Request', please click here to download our form.  Completed forms should be e-mailed to us here with the subject line including “Subject Access Request”.

We cannot respond to any request for information without reasonable proof of identity.

Your right to update your information

We want to ensure that the information we hold is accurate and up to date.  You can manage your contact details and preferences through our secure Tenant Portal at any time.

Please note; in accordance with The Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002, we can only use a postal billing address which is in England and Wales.

If any of your other details are incorrect, please contact us here and we will update our records.

Your right to object to or restrict our processing

If you have a concern about the way in which we are processing your personal data, please see our Individual's Rights Policy for more information.

Automated processing

We use technology to improve the services that we provide and in certain circumstances, simple processing activities are fully automated, and don’t require any intervention from any of our employees.  For instance, when you register on our Tenant Portal, you will receive your login details automatically by e-mail.

Even where our processing activities are not fully automated, wherever possible we will provide you with a choice between an online and offline process.

All our systems are subject to regular testing to ensure they are working as intended.


Our website uses cookies.  Please check our Cookies Policy for more information.

Other websites

Our website contains links to other websites.  This Privacy Policy only applies to this website.  If you click on a link to another website, please ensure that you check the Privacy Policy of that website before providing any personal information.


Although we have taken care in preparing the content of this website, we do not warrant that the information in this website is accurate or complete.

We will not, under any circumstances, be responsible for any losses you suffer as a result of using this website including loss of profits, loss of data or loss of goodwill, whether these losses are direct or indirect, nor any indirect financial (or monetary) losses, losses that are not a direct consequence of our behaviour and losses that we could not have been expected to foresee.

We do not warrant that the functions or materials on this website, or which you can access from this website, will be uninterrupted or free from errors, that we will correct any errors, or that this website or the server that makes it available are virus-or bug-free. We are not responsible if you cannot access or use the site due to the failure of any machine, communications link or computer systems, or anything beyond our reasonable control.

We own intellectual property copyrights in this website. This includes all database rights, rights in designs, whether registered or unregistered and including all rights to apply for registration. The images, logos and names on this website which identify us are our trademarks.  Nothing on this website gives anyone any licence or right to any image, logo or name.

The laws of England and Wales apply to this Policy and any terms and conditions relating to products or services described on this website.  If there is a dispute about these terms and conditions, this will be dealt with in the courts of England and Wales.

Information Commissioner’s Office

We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office and our Registration Number is Z5011372.

If you wish to make a complaint about the way we have handled your personal data, please visit their website at for more information.

Changes to our privacy policy

Our Privacy Policy is kept under regular review to ensure that it complies with current laws and regulations.  We therefore encourage you to review this Policy whenever you visit our website. 

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 24th September 2024